Evolution, Adaptation and Conservation


A conservation law can handle only distributions and redistributions of 
a limited resource within some arbitrary bounded region of space. 
Space is the constraint in conservation laws. Many conservative 
agrarian cultures are spatially optimized.

Adaptation is imperialistic, and seeks to locate new resources beyond
the bounded regions of conservation laws. Time is the constraint on
adaptive algorithms. Many imperialistic societies are temporally
optimized coming centering around hunter-like instinctive or adaptive 
attitudes rather than conservation.

Adaption and Conservation are dual complementary functions. They both
can be considered extremes of the same thing: an evolution or space-time

This suggests two primary vectors for any evolving species, to explore
beyond their immediate space and to conserve the limited resources of
the space that they are bounded in for that purpose. 

For humans, this suggests that the exploration of space and the conservation 
of the Earth's limited resources are essential to its future survival.
If we do not evolve, then conservation is the only primary vector we should be
concerned with, but dualisms cannot be escaped, and we are ultimately forced
adapt as well.
